Acute Myocardial Infarction / Heart Attacks, Coronary artery disease, Valvular Heart disease, Structural Heart interventions, Advanced Heart Failure, Preventive Cardiology, Hypertension management, Lipid /Cholesterol, Multimodality imaging of Heart ( Transthoracic echocardiography, transesophageal echocardiography, cardiac CT, nuclear cardiology)
Cardiac Sciences, Robotic Surgery
Total arterial bypass surgery, Minimal invasive cardiac surgery, Heart transplant surgery, Vascular surgery
Complex coronary interventions, Pacemakers and ICD and CRPD, Structural Heart Disease intervention, like TAVR, Congenital Heart defects in the adults
Acute Myocardial Infection Treatment by Thrombosis or Primary Angioplasty, Performing Complex Angioplasty, Chronic Heart Failure Management
Sleeve resections of trachea and Bronchi, Mesothelioma Surgery , Hyperthermicintrathoracic chemotherapy (HITHOC)., Esophagectomy, Lung resections, VATS surgery, Robotic surgery