Lobectomy, Bronchitis Treatment, Decortication, Bronchoscopy, Emphysema, Tracheostomy, Pulmonary Function Test (PFT), Mediastinoscopy
Bronchoscopy, Lung Biopsy, Endobronchial Ultrasound (EBUS) with Transbronchial Needle Aspiration (TBNA), Thoracentesis, Pulmonary Function Tests (PFTs), Chest Tube Insertion, Pleuroscopy, Cryotherapy
Asthma Management, COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) Treatment, Pulmonary Rehabilitation, Sleep Apnea Evaluation and Management, Interstitial Lung Disease Care, Lung Cancer Screening and Treatment, Allergy Testing and Treatment, Smoking Cessation Programs
This appointment request is for regular consultation with the Doctor at Kokilaben Hospital, Navi Mumbai.