Anteriorskullbasesurgery, Phonosurgery, Headnecksurgery, Thyroidsurgery, Otology, Rhinology Ear Nose Throat Diseases, Microscopic Ear Surgery, Endoscopic Nose & Paranasal Sinus Surgery (Fess), Microscopic Laryngoscopic Surgery, Endoscopic Sinus Surgery, Surgery for Deviated Nasal Septum, etc.
Minimal Access & GI Surgery, Robotic Surgery, Bariatric Surgery, General Surgery
GI surgery, Laparoscopic surgery, Bariatric surgery, Hernia surgery, Robotic surgery
Neonatology, PEDIATRICS infections, PICU Critical care, Vaccinology, Allergy and Asthma, Lactation, Nutrition, Adolescent counselling
IBD, Liver disorders, Therapeutic GI endoscopies, Functional bowel disorders, GI Motility disorders , Pancreatic disorders, GI malignancies
Robotic Surgery, Urology & Andrology
Laparoscopic urology, Uro-oncology, Urethral stricture treatment, Pediatric urology
General Pediatrics, Neonatology, Pediatric Nutrition, Pediatric Infections
Joint replacement surgery- Hip, knee and shoulder, Revision joint replacement, Spine surgery- minimally invasive and endoscopic, Complex/ complicated trauma surgery Limb salvage surgeries
Preventive Medicine, Chronic Lifestyle Disease Care, Communication and Documentation
Robotic Surgery, Urology & Andrology
Lasers, Laparoscopy, Robotics, Renal Transpalnt And Minimally Invasive Surgery For Urinary Stones And Prostate.
Resuscitation, Trauma, Procedural Sedation, Regional Blocks, Stroke, Myocardial Infarction
Difficult CT/USG guided Procedures, Peripheral Vascular Interventions, Dialysis related Interventions, Oncointerventions
Knee Joint Replacement, Hip Joint Replacement, Adult Fracture Treatment, Paediatric Fracture Treatment, Back Pain, Intraarticular Injections
Pain Management & Palliative Care
Complex Pain, Sport Injuries, Chronic Pain, Spine Pain, Cancer Pain, Head and Neck Pain, Regenerative Medicine, Neuromodulation.
Gastrointestinal Cancer Surgery, Thoracic Cancer Surgery, Hepatopancreaticobiliary & Liver Transplantation, Minimally Invasive & Robotic Surgery, Cytoreductive & HIPEC
Breast Oncoplastic reconstruction, Primary / secondary Whole Breast reconstruction, Minimal Invasive Breast and Head neck surgery, Robotic assisted Breast and Head Neck surgery
Regional anaesthesia mainly trauma & orthopedic Anaesthesiology, Perioperative pain management by ultrasound guided nerve blocks
Promote Natural Birth, Promote effective Breast feeding practices, Laproscopic Hysterectomy, Myomectomy, Menopausal Care
Cerebral Palsy and Other Neuromuscular Disorders, Paediatric Foot and Ankle Disorders, Congenital Anomalies, Limb Length Correction, Hip Congenital/Developmental Disorders, Paediatric Metabolic Bone Disorders, Skeletal Dysplasia, Paediatric Trauma, Benign Bone Tumours, Foot & Ankle surgery for adults & children
Diabetic Foot, DVT Management, Aortic Disease, Liver Tumour Management
Facial Trauma, Oral Surgery, Implants, Cyst & Pathology of Head & Neck Region, Corrective and reconstructive Fail Surgery, TMJ Surgeries , Orthognathic Surgery