Ophthalmology Doctors in Navi Mumbai


Ophthalmology Hospital In Navi Mumbai


Ophthalmology Care in Navi Mumbai


Ophthalmology Services in Navi Mumbai


We are amongst the few centers in the country performing advanced-level cataract surgeries. The high-end technology used at the Department of Ophthalmology includes:

  • Stellaris Phacoemulsification System
  • Digital Fundus Fluroscein Angiography
  • IOL master
  • A Scan
  • State-Of-The-Art Instruments For Examining Eyes
  • Dedicated Operation Theatre For Eye Surgeries
  • Disposable Materials To Negate Infections And Germs
  • High-End Imaging And Laser Removal Machines
  • Latest Generation Phacoemulsification Machines
  • Laser With Dark Room Facility