RDP Donation Hospital in Navi Mumbai

RDP Donations

RDPs are obtained by processing whole blood donations.

  • Minimum weight: 45 kg
  • Haemoglobin level: 12.5 g per cent
  • Age limit: 18 to 65 years
  • Time interval: Three months between two successive blood donations
  • Blood donors should be free from any infectious disease. More than one donor is required for this donation. The donors should ideally have the same blood group as the recipient and should be male.
  • They should be free from transfusion-transmitted diseases, i.e. hepatitis B and C, HIV, malaria and syphilis.
  • They should have no history of any heart or lung-related disease and seizure disorder.
  • They should disclose information about medication before donating.
  • They should eat sufficiently before donating.
  • Exact haemoglobin level, haematocrit and platelet count should be checked prior to donation. The platelet count should be 150x103/microlitre or above.
  • They should avoid heavy work or long driving after blood donation.