Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass - Banded and Conventional

Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass - Banded and Conventional

Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass is a procedure of bariatric or weight-loss surgery. Bariatric surgeries are a group of surgical procedures aimed at helping morbidly obese patients to lose weight. Roux-En-Y is one of the most commonly performed bariatric surgeries. It can be performed by two methods-conventional and banded.

Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass surgery involves two steps:

  • The stomach is divided into two parts. The two parts are separated and stapled. One part is the upper part of the stomach (gastric pouch) connected with the oesophagus. The other part, which lies at the lower end, is bypassed.
  • Fixing the intestine with the part of the stomach that is left: The intestine is cut at about 45 cm from the end of the stomach. The first part of the intestine, called the duodenum, is bypassed. The upper end of the second part of the intestine, called the jejunum, is pulled up and joined with the gastric pouch (the part of the stomach left behind). The lower end of the duodenum is anastomosed to the jejunum at a lower point. The new configuration looks like a Y, hence the name Roux-En-Y.

Banded Roux-en Y Gastric Bypass is less common than the conventional method. Here a silicone ring is placed around the gastric pouch above the point where the stomach and the second part of the intestine, called the jejunum, are connected. This helps to reduce weight as the amount of food that can enter the stomach is restricted due to the banding. Our hospital is the best for Banded Roux-en Y Gastric Bypass Surgery in Navi Mumbai.

  • Weight loss occurs secondary to the decreased size of the stomach. A smaller stomach has a decreased capacity to hold food. The stomach is filled fast, which sends a signal to the brain indicating that the patient is satiated. So, the person eats less food.
  • The first segment of the intestine, called the duodenum, is the site of absorption of nutrients from the food we eat. As the duodenum is bypassed in this procedure, a lesser amount of nutrition is absorbed. This malabsorption further contributes to weight loss.

Leakage of the stomach contents can occur along the stapled lines and the sites of surgical sutures. This can lead to infections and abscesses or obstruction in the digestive tract due to scar formation. We maintain strict aseptic precautions during all steps of the procedure to ensure minimum to no complications. Additionally, nutritional deficiencies can occur as a part of the nutrient-absorbing site of the intestine is removed. We provide adequate nutritional supplements and guidelines as a part of our post-surgery follow-up to prevent it.

Our hospital harbours a team of the best Bariatric Doctors and other healthcare professionals who routinely work together in assessing and managing long-term care after bariatric surgery, making it the best hospital for Banded Roux-en Y Gastric Bypass. Our bariatric unit provides active patient support, and we conduct pre-operative patient education sessions through experienced bariatric nurses and dieticians. Every patient is assessed and managed by a coherent and well-functioning team of healthcare professionals with strong backgrounds and expertise.