Aneurysm Treatments in Navi Mumbai


An aneurysm occurs when there is a bulge in the wall of an artery. It occurs as a result of an increase in the pressure of the blood passing through an artery leading to the weakening of a part of it. The weakened portion balloons outward and represents the aneurysm. Although aneurysms can develop in any blood vessel, they are common in the blood vessels of the chest or belly portions of the aorta, which is the main blood vessel carrying blood out of the heart to be distributed into various bodies parts. Aneurysms in these areas can be quite serious, while those in some other areas like the legs are less life-threatening.

The most serious threat an aneurysm poses is that it can burst and can lead to massive bleeding or even stroke. A significantly large aneurysm can affect circulation adversely and result in the formation of blood clots. If you have an aneurysm, getting diagnosed and treated early is vital to ensuring a better outcome.

  • Aortic aneurysm
    This type of aneurysm occurs in the aorta, as the name suggests. It is associated with the hardening of the arteries or atherosclerosis. It may occur as a complication of smoking or high blood pressure, or maybe an inherited condition.
  • Cerebral aneurysm
    Also called berry aneurysm, this type of aneurysm occurs in the brain. Smoking significantly increases the chances of this type of aneurysm.
  • Popliteal artery aneurysm
    This type of peripheral vascular aneurysm is more common and is characterised by weakness or bulge in the artery that supplies to the calf, knee joint, and thigh.
  • Ventricular aneurysm
    It is the name given to the bulge in the wall of the heart. The most common cause of a ventricular aneurysm is a previous heart attack. Sometimes it can also occur due to a severe chest injury.

An aneurysm can occur due to any condition that causes the walls of arteries to weaken. The most common causes of aneurysms include high blood pressure and atherosclerosis. Aneurysms can also occur congenitally or due to deep wounds and infections.

To reach a diagnosis of an aneurysm, your doctor will ask you a few questions regarding your medical history, including whether any of your blood relatives or a family member has the disease. Following this, he will carry out a comprehensive physical examination, including checking your blood pressure, listening to the heart sounds and to the sounds of the arteries in the neck and legs, and palpating your abdomen for the presence of a mass.

If the doctor suspects you might have an aneurysm in the aorta, which is the main artery responsible for supplying blood from the heart to the rest of the body, he may ask you to undergo an ultrasound to be able to pinpoint and measure the aneurysm with precision.

If he suspects you might have an aneurysm in your chest, you might be recommended to get a CT scan done. If the suspicion is of a brain aneurysm, a CT scan or angiogram of the blood vessels of the brain may be recommended. An angiogram is an invasive technique during which a dye is injected into an artery in the leg or the arm which travels to your brain, following which an image of your brain is captured. The dye makes it easier to pinpoint any abnormalities. An MRI may also be performed to check the aorta or the blood vessels in the brain.

An aneurysm is treated by performing a surgical procedure to repair it. If surgery is impossible due to safety issues, careful monitoring and medications would be the best management options. Your doctor will decide the treatment plan best suited for your condition after measuring the size of the aneurysm and figuring out its type and location. Sometimes medications are even prescribed for operable aneurysms, and a wait-and-see approach is adopted to monitor its growth or progression. In this case, surgery is recommended if the doctor finds out that the aneurysm has become large enough to be life-threatening.

If you are seeking treatment for aneurysms around Navi Mumbai, you can visit Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital, Navi Mumbai and get an appointment with an expert doctor. The Department of Vascular Surgery at Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital, Navi Mumbai provides treatment for a wide range of vascular diseases through highly qualified and experienced staff. We have fully integrated operating rooms equipped with advanced machines and medical equipment. An optimal level of hygiene, including the use of disposable materials, is practised while performing all procedures to negate infections and eliminate the chances of post-surgical complications