Neuro Rehabilitation Service Centre in Navi Mumbai

Neuro Rehabilitation

The therapists at The Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital Navi Mumbai are specialised in the diagnosis and treatment of a diverse range of disorders that result from brain injury, stroke, or other neurological conditions. They address the medical and personal needs of the patients diagnosed with a variety of disorders such as aphasia, apraxia, dysarthria, orofacial myofunctional disorders, and difficulty in swallowing and speech due to laryngeal and facial muscle weakness.

The therapy usually comprises individual training with a multi-disciplinary approach and education and counselling to help the patient compensate for or overcome their disabilities. Patients with Parkinson's and other neurological disorders are also offered specialised voice treatment.

The aim of neurorehabilitation is to help the patient achieve the highest level of independence and function possible with their pathologies while also improving their overall quality of life physically, mentally, and emotionally. To achieve these goals, the neurorehabilitation programs include helping the patients with activities of daily life like dressing, bathing, eating, and cooking; imparting speech therapy to help them with speaking, swallowing, or reading; management of anxiety, stress, and depression; bowel and bladder retraining; exercise programs to enhance movement and prevent disabilities or limitations of the range of movement; social and behavioural retraining; and nutritional counselling.

At the neuro-rehabilitation centre at The Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital Navi Mumbai, patients with complaints of harsh or strained voice, reduced range of pitch, and other speech disorders resulting from neurological problems are assessed and treated with modern techniques and state-of-the-art technology. Voice therapy also helps singers and teachers (who are professional voice users) to meet their vocal demands and prevent disorders related to voice.

Our voice therapists work in collaboration with ENT specialists to assess the patient's voice with a holistic approach using different techniques like stroboscopy, laryngoscopy, and acoustic analysis software. Various types of voice exercises and counselling on voice care are offered to the patient as a part of the therapy to improve the voice quality of the patient.

Many patients who are affected with cancers of the head and neck face speech and swallowing difficulties which may be permanent or temporary in nature. The main roles of a speech-language therapist include speech and swallowing-oriented rehabilitation during and after radiation treatment, restoration of voice after laryngectomy, articulation and swallowing rehabilitation after glossectomy, evaluation and treatment of swallowing disorders to prevent aspiration and facilitation of the food intake through oral route, and family counselling and education.

An optimal level of care and treatment is provided by a multidisciplinary team that includes a radiation oncologist, physical therapists, oncosurgeon, ENT specialist, and dietitian.

Stuttering usually starts in the earlier part of childhood and affects the fluency of speech. In some cases, the problem may resolve, while in others, it lasts throughout life. The program includes fluency shaping strategies, breathing exercises, and counselling to introduce behavioural modification required to achieve an improvement in daily living. Speech production is also facilitated by devices like Delayed Auditory Feedback.

Dysphagia or swallowing disorder refers to difficulty in eating food. It is mostly seen in patients with brain injury, stroke, Parkinson's disease, and head and neck cancers. It can also be seen in children with oral sensory disorder, cleft palate, and cerebral palsy.

As a part of the therapy, the patient is prescribed some exercises to help improve the movement of different muscle groups, and different strategies are advised to help the patient swallow more easily. Some diet modifications are also suggested to ensure safe and effective swallowing. Sometimes, electrical stimulation aimed at stimulating the muscular activity of various muscle groups required for swallowing or phonation is also delivered.

The neuro-rehabilitation centre at Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital Navi Mumbai houses state-of-the-art instruments to assist the rehabilitation team in the delivery of a comprehensive treatment plan in an optimal way. The neuro-rehabilitation team comprises highly qualified neurologists, psychiatrists, orthopedicians, internists, rehabilitation dieticians, speech and language therapists, psychologists, and social workers.