Cardiac Rehabilitation services in Navi Mumbai

Cardiac Rehabilitation

Cardiac rehabilitation, or cardiac rehab, at The Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital Navi Mumbai is a specialised outpatient department that deals with counselling and education of patients with heart problems. The program aims to help you recover from a heart attack or severe heart disease and improve your health by providing exercise training, emotional support, and counselling about lifestyle modifications such as consuming heart-healthy meals and maintaining a healthy weight to decrease the risk of getting further heart problems.

If you are looking for a cardiac rehabilitation centre in Navi Mumbai, your search is over. The main goals of the cardiac rehabilitation programs at the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital Navi Mumbai include establishing a plan to help you regain strength, prevent worsening of your condition, decrease the risks of future heart problems, and improve your quality of life. Research has proven that cardiac rehabilitation programs can decrease morbidity and mortality rates from heart diseases to a great extent.

Cardiac rehabilitation is indicated for patients with many types of heart diseases, including:

  • Myocardial infarction
  • Coronary artery disease
  • Cardiac failure
  • Peripheral artery disease
  • Chest pain or angina pectoris
  • Cardiomyopathy
  • Congenital heart diseases
  • Post coronary artery bypass surgery
  • Angioplasty and stent placement
  • Heart or lung transplant
  • Heart valve repair or replacement
  • Pulmonary hypertension

Cardiac rehabilitation is not indicated for everyone who has had cardiac diseases. Very rarely, patients may suffer injuries, like strained muscles or sprains, while exercising during their rehabilitation journey. Our team of the Best Doctors for Cardiac Rehabilitation in Navi Mumbai will evaluate your overall health, including analysing your medical history, examining your whole body, and running certain tests, to ensure you are medically fit to start a cardiac rehabilitation program. The healthcare team will also closely monitor you while you are exercising to minimise the risk of injuries and teach you how to avoid getting injured when you work out by yourself.

If you have a record of heart attack, cardiac surgery, or any other cardiac condition, you can ask for an opinion from your doctor regarding joining a cardiac rehabilitation program. If you have medical insurance, you can check with your insurance company and see if they cover the cardiac rehabilitation program.

The treatment team assigned to you works in collaboration with the different members of the team as well as with you to set goals for your cardiac rehabilitation program and formulate a plan that meets your medical needs and personal preferences, thus rendering one of the Best Rehabilitation Services in Navi Mumbai.

Most cardiac rehabilitation programs initially last for about three months, but some patients need to follow the program longer. In some special cases, patients might be able to undergo an intensive program for several hours a day that can last for a few weeks.

During the program, a team of healthcare professionals, including cardiologists, nurses, nutritionists, exercise specialists, mental health specialists, and physical and occupational therapists, will work with you and guide you at every step.

  • Medical evaluation
    The health care team generally performs a careful evaluation to check your physical abilities, medical limitations, and other problems you may have. Looking for risk factors for cardiac complications, especially during exercise, forms a major part of this evaluation. This helps the team formulate a program that meets your medical needs to ensure it is safe and effective and keep track of your progress over time.
  • Physical activity
    You will be encouraged to stay physically active to improve your cardiovascular fitness. In the beginning, low-impact exercises with a lower risk of injury will be suggested, such as walking, cycling, or jogging. Some programs include yoga, which some studies have proved to be very beneficial for cardiac health. For some people, muscle-strengthening exercises might be recommended to increase muscle strength. The healthcare team will teach you the proper techniques of exercising, like warming up and cooling down. You will need to exercise at least three times a week. If you have never exercised before, don't worry! The healthcare team will guide you through and ensure that the program moves at a pace you are comfortable with and is safe for you.
  • Lifestyle education
    You will be provided with support and counselling regarding making healthy lifestyle choices, such as consuming a heart-healthy diet, staying physically active, maintaining a healthy weight, and getting rid of smoking addiction. You will also be acquainted with the ways to manage your comorbidities like high blood pressure, cholesterol, and diabetes.
  • Support
    We at Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital acknowledge that adjusting to a serious health condition takes time, and it might be depressing for you. You might feel anxious, having to stop working for several weeks. If you face any such mental problems, do not ignore them. Depression can worsen your cardiac health and affect other areas of your life. It is best that you discuss all these issues with the healthcare team and seek support and counselling. Counselling can help you discover healthy ways to deal with negative feelings and depression. If your depression is severe, you might be prescribed antidepressant medications. In addition, vocational and occupational therapy might be suggested to help you return to your work.

When you are not feeling well, it might be hard to start a cardiac rehabilitation program, but you need to realise that it will benefit you in the long run. You will be guided through your fear and anxiety as you make a comeback to an active, healthy lifestyle with enhanced energy and motivation levels to do things you enjoy. The program can help you rebuild the physical, emotional, and mental aspects of your life. As you feel stronger and learn ways to manage your condition, you will likely return to your normal healthy life with renewed vigour and new diet and exercise habits.

Your chances of having a successful program rest largely with you and your motivational levels. The more seriously you take every piece of advice and recommendation and follow it, the better the outcome will be.

After your cardiac rehabilitation program ends, you will need to continue the diet, exercise, and other heart-healthy lifestyle habits you learned from the program lifelong to maintain heart-health benefits. The goal is that when the program ends, you will be able to exercise and maintain a healthier lifestyle on your own.

To get the best outcome from the program, it is recommended to continue the habits and follow the lifestyle choices you were taught in the program for the rest of your life. Research has shown that cardiac rehabilitation tends to reduce the chance of mortality in the next five years following a heart attack or a cardiac surgery disease by 35%. In the long run, sticking to the program and following it religiously will benefit your health in the following ways:

  • Enhance strength
  • Cultivate heart-healthy habits, such as regular physical activity and a heart-healthy diet
  • Avoid bad habits and health hazards, such as smoking
  • Lose and maintain your weight to fight obesity
  • Find ways to manage depression and mental health problems
  • Learn ways to cope with cardiac disease
  • Minimise the risk of getting cardiac diseases in the future
  • Strengthening your health physically and emotionally after a heart attack
  • Relieving symptoms of cardiac diseases, such as chest pain
  • Encourage and mentally prepare you to return to your daily schedule after a heart attack