Best Urologists in Navi Mumbai

General Services

  • Bladder removal surgery (cystectomy)
  • Holmium laser prostrate surgery
  • Radical prostatectomy (removal of prostrate)
  • Urodynamics
  • Ureteroscopy
  • Nephrectomy (kidney removal)
  • Surgery for solid tumours affecting the genitourinary and male reproductive system
  • Vasectomy
  • Vasectomy reversal

We are the best urology treatment hospital in Navi Mumbai and our Urologists are well-known for their expertise in diagnosing and treating a variety of urological conditions in both males and females. These include:

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) refers to the noncancerous enlargement of the prostate gland. The progression of this condition is influenced by alterations in male sex hormones associated with aging, a family history of prostate issues, and any abnormalities in the testicles. It is a common phenomenon in older males, and numerous men aged between 60 and 80 experience symptoms like incomplete bladder emptying, nocturia, urine urgency, painful urination, and a diminished urinary stream.

This form of cancer develops when the cells within the urinary bladder undergo abnormal changes and grow uncontrollably. While it originates in the bladder, it has the potential to disseminate to neighboring lymph nodes and various parts of the body, including the lungs, liver, and bones, as time progresses. Bladder cancer is characterized by a spectrum of symptoms, including blood in the urine, painful urination, pelvic discomfort, weight loss, tenderness in the bones, fatigue, frequent and urgent urination, and urinary incontinence.

Prostate cancer is a form of cancer that develops when specific cells within the prostate gland undergo abnormal changes and uncontrollable growth. These abnormal cells can form a tumor and eventually spread to other areas of the body through blood vessels or lymph nodes. During the initial stages of prostate cancer, there are no discernible signs or symptoms. However, as it progresses, it may manifest symptoms including frequent urination, challenges in urination, painful ejaculation, appetite loss, weight loss, bone pain, erectile dysfunction, and the presence of blood in the sperm.

Kidney cancer is a condition in which the cells within the kidney become cancerous. With the passage of time, it has the potential to metastasize and infiltrate neighboring as well as distant organs. Early manifestations are uncommon in kidney cancer. Signs such as blood in the urine, a lump in the abdomen, diminished appetite, unexplained weight loss, and anemia emerge once the cancer has advanced. Smoking and obesity are identified as factors that elevate the risk of developing kidney cancer.

Kidney stones are solid, crystalline formations that develop within the kidney. These formations may not always remain confined to the kidney; they can occasionally travel down the ureter, enter the bladder, and be expelled in urine. When kidney stones are larger in size, they can impede the flow of urine, leading to significant pain and discomfort. Factors such as dehydration, obesity, insufficient urine volume, family history, and specific medications are all notable risk factors associated with the formation of kidney stones.

Unintentional leakage of urine due to a lack of bladder control is referred to as urinary incontinence. Factors such as stress, the aging process, injury to pelvic floor muscles, prostate or bladder cancer, hysterectomy, various surgical procedures, pregnancy and childbirth, and obesity can contribute to its occurrence. The prevalence of urinary incontinence tends to increase with age, and it is more prevalent in women than in men. As the intensity and frequency of this condition escalate, it disrupts an individual's daily activities and diminishes their overall quality of life.

A urinary tract infection, commonly referred to as UTI, is an ailment resulting from bacterial presence in any segment of the urinary system, encompassing the kidneys, bladder, ureters, and urethra. Indicators of a urinary tract infection include persistent and intense urges to urinate, strong-smelling urine, a burning sensation during urination, urine appearing cloudy or tinged with blood, muscle discomfort, and abdominal pains. While UTIs are more prevalent in women, they can affect individuals of all ages, both men and women.

The specialized field of urologic oncology is dedicated to the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of cancers affecting the male and female urinary tract, as well as the male reproductive organs. This category includes cancers of the bladder, prostate, kidney, and testicles. Our collaborative team, consisting of urologists, oncologists, pathologists, radiologists, and surgeons, develops comprehensive treatment strategies to effectively address and manage cancer within the realms of urologic oncology.