Advanced laparoscopic surgery in Navi Mumbai

Advanced laparoscopic surgery

Advanced laparoscopic surgery is performed by making a small incision of about half-inch in length (or multiple small incisions) in the abdomen and introducing surgical instruments and a camera known as a laparoscope through it. It is also called minimally invasive surgery.

During the surgery, a laparoscope is employed to diagnose or treat the medical condition. A laparoscope is a long, narrow tube that has a camera attached to it. This camera takes images of the internal organs of the abdomen and displays them on a monitor. This helps the surgeon to visualise the internal organs while performing the surgery.

The advanced laparoscopic surgical approach has many benefits:

  • The patient suffers lesser pain as compared to the conventional method and the recovery time is faster.
  • As the incisions made are small in size, the chances of having a successful outcome of the surgery are higher.
  • The risk of infections and other complications is also lower.

The advanced laparoscopic approach is used for several cases, including tubal sterilisation and hysterectomy. During a laparoscopic hysterectomy, the uterus is detached from the body by making a small incision. This approach is also helpful to:

  • To find out the causes of a pelvic mass.
  • To diagnose fibroids, which are abnormal growths of the uterus wall. The growth can be benign or malignant. An advanced laparoscopic approach is also used for the removal of fibroids.
  • To remove ovarian cysts safely by looking at the pelvis closely.
  • Treat endometriosis.
  • Treat pelvic floor conditions like urinary incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse etc.
  • For the removal of ectopic pregnancy mass.
  • In the case of malignancies such as ovarian cancer, an advanced laparoscopic surgical procedure is used to address the problem and take a biopsy.

Once the surgical procedure is over, the incisions are closed with the help of sutures. The effect of anaesthesia fades off within a few hours, but sometimes a feeling of nausea stays for longer. In most cases, the patient is allowed to head back home on the same day of the surgery. Several follow-up appointments are held later, where a check-up is done to rule out complications.